An effective way to prevent infections
What is the purpose of vaccination?
Vaccination strengthens the immune system of the vaccinated person by stimulating the production of antibodies. To do this, Quebec’s vaccination schedule recommends certain vaccines for pregnant women. Thus, some women may be targeted by the free program of the Quebec immunization protocol. To find out if this condition applies to you, contact us.
we offer….
Vaccination can stop the spread of several diseases. Infirmière Coach De Santé clinic is a vaccination point approved by the National Institute of Public Health. We offer flu vaccination, and childhood vaccination. Our appointment times are flexible and we can come to your home. So, no more waiting and zero stress!
For pregnant

Pregnant women vaccination
In clinic and at home
Pregnant women can receive inactivated influenza vaccine at any stage of pregnancy, and they should receive acellular pertussis vaccine in combination with diphtheria and tetanus (Tdap) vaccines even if they have been previously vaccinated.
In the presence of a valid health card (RAMQ), vaccines are free. You only pay the costs of the injection, the nursing evaluation.
The Tdap vaccine against diphtheria, pertussis and tetanus is recommended for pregnant women. This vaccine should beadministered between 26 and 32 weeks of pregnancy.
Recommendation applicable to every pregnancy regardless of vaccination history and interval since last dose.
- Vaccine against diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (Tdap).
FEES IN THE CLINIC (Evaluation and injection): $70
APPLICATION FEE: $18 (applicable to the 1st visit).
The flu vaccine is recommended for pregnant women.
- Influenza vaccine (Fluzone Quadrivalent and Flulaval tetra).
IN-CLINIC FEES (Evaluation and injection): $20
APPLICATION FEE: $18 (applicable to the 1st visit).
Vaccinating pregnant women ensures baby’s immune protection for the first 2 months of life.
According to the Quebec Ministry of Health and Social Services (MSSS),vaccination of pregnant women prevents about 90% of hospitalizations and 95% of deaths associated with pertussis in babies under 3 months of age.
Get an appointment
in 24-48 hours Top-chrono!
Service offered in clinic and at home. Simply, make sure to allow 15 minutes of post-vaccination monitoring to be respected. Please, bring your vaccination record book with you when you visit.
We offer most vaccines with the exception of COVID-19 vaccination.
Appointments are made quickly and can be booked using the following options:
- On our website via the link Make an appointment
- Online via the clic santé platform.
- Online, via the Go rendez-vous platform.
- By phone (Monday-Saturday; 7am-5pm), at 438-375-4662.
- By fax, by contacting us at 438-375-4663.
- By email by sending your prescription to prescription@infirmierecoachdesante.com
Some possible
after a vaccin.
After receiving a vaccine, it is possible to present:
- A local reaction such as redness, inflammation, or induration at the injection site. This reaction is usually temporary. May show some induration and redness at the injection site.
Recommendation: Apply a compress with ice to reduce inflammation. - Fever, headache, or body aches. These symptoms can be late and appear between the 4th and 7th day. This is the case after vaccination against yellow fever.
Recommendation: Rest and take acetaminophen (Tylenol). Be sure to administer the correct dose. - Consult a health care practitioner if symptoms worsen or persist.
An essential service
Why get
Since the invention of the first attenuated vaccine by Pasteur in the 19th century, some deadly infectious diseases have been eradicated, proving the effectiveness of vaccines in preventing disease. As a result, we know that the prevention of diseases inevitably involves educating the population and vaccinating them. Being an easy and effective way, it not only protects the vaccinated person, but also those around them while contributing to the establishment of a strong and healthy community.
Vaccination is an accessible means of prevention!
If you are planning a trip, consider getting vaccinated.
Our appointment times are flexible, we can come to your home!
Vaccines available in clinic
- » Haemophilus inf. B
- » Pneumococcus
- » Meningococcus
- » Mumps
- » Poliomyelitis
- » Rotavirus
- » Measles