STBBI Screening
Simple . Fast . Confidential
Why get tested?
STBBIs include all sexually transmitted and blood-borne infections (gonorrhea, chlamydia, syphilis, HIV, hepatitis B, hepatitis C, herpes and HPV).
Frequently, the presence of STBBIs does not cause any symptoms. In this case, screening can determine the presence of the infection. Thus, the person screened can receive the appropriate care and treatment and then prevent the associated complications. The affected person is asymptomatic and transmits the infection to his or her partners without knowing it. This is why STBBI screening is recommended when you are sexually active.
Any questions?
Here are answers to frequently asked questions
Combien coûte ce service?
Cost of the service: $55
- Virtual Nurse Assessment
- Prescription for laboratory
tests* ($18) Extra file opening fee, applicable only on your 1st appointment
Will I be directed to a clinic for my sample collection?
At the end of your consultation with the nurse, she will send you your laboratory request. There, you will have two options.
1- You can go to the collection center of your choice for your analyses.
2- With your agreement, the nurse could give you an appointment the same day or the next day at one of our points of service, for your samples.
Analyses carried out by a private laboratory, results on the same day or within 24-48 h maximum (additional fees apply).
Can I cancel or change my appointment?
Any appointment can be cancelled free of charge as long as the cancellation is made on average 12 hours before the scheduled appointment time.
In the presence of a situation beyond your control, please contact us at: 438-375-4662

What STBBIs do we screen?
» Syphilis
» Chlamydia
» Gonorrhoea
» Hepatitis B
» Hepatitis C
What will happen once samples are collected?
Your samples will be sent to the laboratory for analysis.
The results will be sent to you by email.
The nurse will receive a copy of the results and contact you for post-STBBI counselling at no additional cost.
Please note that we will not be able to perform your STBBI screening if you have symptoms of STBBIs.
What happens in the event of a positive result?
Our nurses are able to prescribe treatment in the event of a positive result for gonorrhea and/or chlamydia infection. You will receive a phone call during which post-positive test counselling will be done and a prescription will be sent directly to your pharmacy.
In the event of a positive result for HIV, Syphilis, Hepatitis B or C, the client will be referred to his/her physician or any clinic of his/her choice.
Testing options

STBBI Screening
In clinic
Fast service and same day results.
» Learn more

STBBI Screening
At home
We also offer STBBI screenings at home.
» Learn more

Satisfied Clients
as easy as 123
Here’s why
I loved,
Infirmière Coach De Santé Services!
I got an appointment in no time
Covered by my insurance
Same day results
Early morning appointment
Professional and welcoming team
They are always on time
Required equipment
To be able to benefit from virtual nursing services, our customers must have a personal device with minimal connection, excellent reliability and good performance.
In addition, a stable internet connection is important to avoid interruptions during the consultation. If your internet connection is unstable, we recommend that you request to receive the service via phone.
You can receive this virtual service as a phone call to your home.
A valid and working local cell phone number is required for this service.
Internet Access
For online consultation, a stable internet access is required.
This service may require the possession of a computer for online consultation.