Your virtual nurse
for body and soul
This online service allows you to connect virtually to an experienced nurse for health assessments, nursing advice, coaching and information related to common health issues.
The goal is to inform, coach, teach and support people while providing them with simple, clear, and precise answers to the questions formulated.
The nursing topics
discussed are:
- Health coaching (follow-up)
- Pregnancy coaching
- Data collection prior to STBBI screening
- Nutrition therapy counseling
- Herbal medicine counseling
- Aromatherapy consultation
- Nursing advice and teaching for issues such as:
- Urinary tract infections
- Vaginal infections
- Menstrual pain
- Uterine fibroids
- Fertility and infertility
- Menopause
- Andropause
- Breast cancer
- Prostate Cancer Screening
- Cervical Cancer Screening
- Etc
This service includes access to relevant health videos, advice, and reliable answers to questions. Please specify the subject of the virtual meeting and make an appointment.
Depending on the nature of the counselling or assessment that is made over the phone, you may be referred to a clinic for a furtherconsultation.
Your health is our priority, and the focus of our attention.
Scheduling a medical appointment should be simple, right? However, due to the pandemic and the medical Dr shortage, it has become difficult to make an appointment with a doctor, get a radiology test done or even to do blood test.
We know that situation very well, and we understand that you try your best by doing what you can.
But it can happen that no slot is available at a time that suits you. Also, trying to find an appointment may be time consuming, stressful, frustrating and have a huge impact on your anxiety.
We are here to help, by reducing the time wasted, and making sure you are seen by a Dr as early as possible.
How does it work?
Scheduling patient’s appointments is a very common task performed by a nurse. We maximize your chances of getting that medical follow-up you need right on time. This scheduling service is offered to people who need help to find a medical appointment. Whether you are looking for a nurse, a physician, an appointment at the hospital or in a private clinic, we are here to assist you.
VIRTUAL NURSE service is available for all clients; however, membership is mandatory to access scheduling patient’s appointment service. We also need to receive your requisition, if applicable.
How Much Health Coach Nurse Virtual Service Cost?
$4988/ 30 minutes
The Health coach nurse virtual service is a quick Solution to Your Most Urgent need related to health advice, information and counselling.
Book today with Hundreds of highly qualified, compassionate, and non-judgmental nurses and health experts, ready to help you.
Specialties include Blood Testing, Sexual/Reproductive Health,
Chronic Pain, Surgery, Cancer, Pediatrics, stress management, medication, diagnosis explanation and health issues, information concerning natural and home remedies, and much more…
This service may be offered in FRENCH, ENGLISH, or SPANISH.
What tools do we use for virtual consultation?
Tools allowing clients to see, hear and talk to our virtual nurse team include smart phone, telephone, and computer with web camera and microphone. If client is using a computer, an internet connection is necessary. Client is responsible for costs related to his connection.
How about data collection and confidentiality?
As mentioned in our code of ethics, we do not share your information. However, if a client wants us to send his information to a Doctor, a written authorization will be required.
To open a client’s file, the health coach nurse collects information electronically, using a software meeting Quebec Health security standard.
Your virtual consultation will never be recorded. If client wish to record a virtual consultation, The nurse must be notified at the beginning of the consultation. Note that we have no control over the recordings made by client during consultation.